
Evening Standard Records Circulation Increase

Evening Standard Records Circulation Increase

Newspapers The Evening Standard saw its circulation grow by almost 7% from April to May, an increase in real terms of over 19,000 copies.

It now has a circulation of more than 300,000.

Evening freesheets thelondonpaper and London Lite saw their circulations remain relatively static month on month, at more than 500,000 and 401,000 copies respectively.

Morning freesheet Metro was also static month on month, at almost 747,000, while business freesheet City AM was up by 2% in the same period.

Title Audit Apr-08 May-08 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 99,905 101,758 1,853 1.9
Metro (London) BDP 747,006 746,794 -212 -0.0
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 281,187 300,330 19,143 6.8
London Lite BDP 402,281 401,421 -860 -0.2
thelondonpaper BDP 500,911 500,235 -676 -0.1
Total London Papers   2,031,290 2,050,538 19,248 0.9

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