
Extra Broadband Services Help Push Market to $50bn

Extra Broadband Services Help Push Market to $50bn

In a new report, Point Topic estimates that spending from businesses on broadband value added services (BVAS) helped push the worldwide broadband market through the $50 billion barrier early this year.

The report, Broadband Money-Makers Service, says that value-added services, which include both broadband applications and the platforms which enable the applications to work, have the potential to grow even faster than spending on basic broadband access.

Business spending on BVAS now generates $2.3 billion a year, according to the report and although this is a significant new income, it still falls below spending on basic broadband which generated $32 billion from individual consumers and $13 billion from businesses at the beginning of 2004.

The value added applications analysed by Point Topic included voice-over-internet-protocol, video conferencing and remote backup of computer data. The study revealed that penetration is still under 1% of business broadband lines for most of these services, so there is still enormous growth potential for these applications.

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