
Far East To Drive Broadband Uptake, Says eMarketer

Far East To Drive Broadband Uptake, Says eMarketer

The number of broadband households more than doubled during 2001, according to a new study from eMarketer.

The report, Broadband & Dial-Up Access, claims that subscribers to the high speed service increased from 15 million in 2000 to 32.5 million by the end of 2001. Further expansion is anticipated with the worldwide broadband population expected to reach 117 million by 2004.

“Countries such as Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Canada, Sweden and Belgium have all experienced significant growth over the last twelve months,” said Ben Macklin, author of the report.

Macklin echoes the findings of yesterday’s Instat/MDR report (See World Broadband Population Set To Boom) in stating that the Far East will experience the largest increase in growth. According to eMarketer, the Asia-Pacific region is set to overtake North America and become the world’s leading broadband market by the end of next year.

Broadband Households By Region (000s) 
  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004 
North America 7,600 13,500 20,385 28,585 38,002
Asia-Pacific 5,825 12,565 20,125 30,931 49,607
Europe 1,505 5,964 11,341 18,690 26,810
Latin America 139 562 1,174 2,018 3,208
Total  15,069  32,591  53,025  80,224  117,627 
Source: eMarketer, July 2002 

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