
Fastest Growing Internet Properties In December

Fastest Growing Internet Properties In December

comScore has released its December rankings of the largest and fastest-growing internet properties and site categories in the UK, based on data from the comScore World Metrix audience measurement service.

“The Christmas season had a significant impact on the prevailing traffic trends in December,” said Bob Ivins, EVP of European Markets for comScore.

“Eight of the top ten gaining properties were retail-related as consumers shopped for holiday gifts online, and online greetings also proved popular. That online coupon sites also grew so strongly suggests consumers may have been a bit tighter with their wallets this Christmas season.”

Online retail factored prominently into the top-gaining site category rankings for December, as the culmination of the Christmas shopping season approached. The consumer goods category was up 21% for the month to nearly 9.7 million visitors, while the mall category grew 10% to 14.6 million visitors.

The latest Nielsen Global Online Survey found that more than 85% of the world’s online population has used the internet to make a purchase – increasing the market for online shopping by 40% in the past two years (see Global Market For Online Shopping Increases 40%).

Greetings sites also grew in December, said comScore. The e-cards category experienced a 26% increase to 8.2 million visitors, while the flowers/gifts/greetings category grew 12% to 6.9 million visitors. Meanwhile, the shipping category grew 10% to 5.5 million visitors.

At the start of January, comScore released a study of the online shopping activity of UK, French and German consumers during Christmas 2007, showing that online shopping activity built steadily throughout the season, peaking during the first half of December (see UK and France Enjoy A Robust Online Christmas Shopping Season).

Top 10 Gaining Categories by U.K. Unique Visitors Age 15+, December 2007 vs. November 2007, Total U.K. Home and Work Locations* 
Property  Total Unique Visitors 
Nov-07  Dec-07  % Change 
Total U.K. Internet Audience  32,711  32,981  1 
Coupons 2,048 2,622 28
e-cards 6,530 8,238 26
Consumer Goods 8,041 9,715 21
Gay/Lesbian 492 574 17
Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 6,141 6,890 12
Mall 13,216 14,554 10
Shipping 5,055 5,541 10
Retail – Music 13,270 14,381 8
Jewellery/Luxury Goods/Accessories 3,683 3,913 6
Computer Software 7,191 7,625 6
* Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs. 
Source: comScore World Metrix 
Top 10 Gaining Properties by U.K. Unique Visitors Age 15+*, December 2007 vs. November 2007, Total U.K. Home and Work Locations** 
Property  Total Unique Visitors 
Nov-07  Dec-07  % Change 
Total U.K. Internet Audience  32,711  32,981  1 
ValueClick Sites 2,532 3,489 38
NEXT Group 3,947 4,735 20
Dixons Stores Group 6,751 8,078 20
HMV 4,820 5,732 19
Home Retail Group 10,463 12,211 17
Game.co.uk 3,544 4,108 16
Sainsburys 2,224 2,575 16
MiniClip.com 4,311 4,946 15
Royal Mail Group 3,936 4,421 12
Play.com Sites 6,834 7,666 12
*Ranking based on the top 100 U.K. properties in December 2007. 
** Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs. 
Source: comScore World Metrix

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