
Fears Of Recession Exaggerated, Says IPA

Fears Of Recession Exaggerated, Says IPA

The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising’s quarterly survey of marketing expenditure, due out tomorrow, will cast doubt on fears of a recession in the advertising industry. The Bellwether Report, which releases figures for the last quarter of 2000 and predictions of marketing spend for 2001, is expected to forecast lower rates of growth, however.

Nick Phillips, director-general of the IPA, predicts a positive mood within the advertising and marketing community, but says: “Our members are seeing continuing growth, but at a lower rate. The overall mood is positive, although there is a sense that the pace of the dotcom revolution and the levels of spending in telecoms couldn’t go on for ever. What we are seeing is the unsustainable level of activity in the first half of 2000 coming back to slower rates of growth in the second half of 2000 and into 2001.”

Figures from ACNielsen MMS due out this week are expected to indicate a decline in UK adspend during 2000, although the outdoor sector has disputed this claim.

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