
Financial Times Brings Business News To Mobile Phones

Financial Times Brings Business News To Mobile Phones

The Financial Times has teamed up with Motorola to make its latest business news available to the mobile phone operator’s customers.

The new service will allow users with the latest Motorola handsets to download up-to-the-minute news directly to their phones in the form of a special ‘ticker’ that will run along the bottom their screens.

Commenting on the initiative, Nigel Pocklington, commercial director at FT.com, said: “Users of FT.com and readers of the newspaper are internationally-minded and frequent travellers, requiring up-to-the minute news and analysis throughout the day.”

Motorola’s director of commercial propositions, HeGaby Grynwald, added: “People want to be able to quickly and easily access great content on the move and they want the experience to be simple and fun. This new service is like having your own FT favourite bookmark with virtually instant access to the FT newsroom wherever you are.”

This latest deal follows a similar agreement with Vodafone last year to bring to latest stories from FT.com to mobile phone users. A premium service also provided Lex notes, market news, quotes from industry insiders and a specialised search tool (see Financial Times Launches News Service For Vodafone Users).

Recent research from Ipsos-RSL show that the Financial Times is still the most popular European business title in terms of readership and audience coverage among the business community. The annual European 2004 Survey, which covers 10 million executives in 16 countries, puts the title way ahead of its rivals with a readership of 664,000 leading professionals (see Financial Times Is Voted Top European Business Title).

Financial Times: 020 7873 3000 www.ft.com

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