
Five In Six Don’t Know Analogue Switch-Off Date

Five In Six Don’t Know Analogue Switch-Off Date

TV Remote Five in six adults are unable to name the exact year their region will see the analogue signal switched off, according to a new survey.

In addition, over half of the country thinks that the government has not done enough to make sure people are kept informed of developments with the analogue switch-off.

A survey from uSwitch.com, carried out by YouGov, revealed that 57% of adults said that they should been given more information about when they would have to go digital.

Awareness of the switchover was highest in the Border region, where the switchover begins next year and a marketing campaign is already in full swing.

The government is to spend £200 million, funded by the BBC licence fee, on a marketing campaign informing consumers about the forthcoming switchover.

The government has also announced that it believes the cost of ensuring the most vulnerable people in Britain receive adequate support for digital switchover will be around £600 million (see Switchover Support For Vulnerable To Cost £600 Million).

A recent report from Point Topic forecast that Freeview will be the big digital switchover winner in the next five years, with pay-TV companies struggling to win customers (see Freeview To Be Digital Switchover Winner).

uSwitch.com: www.uswitch.com

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