
Five key takeouts from the latest PAMCo release for newsbrands

Five key takeouts from the latest PAMCo release for newsbrands

The latest cross-platform audience figures for UK newsbrands have been released today, offering insight into how the Covid-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown has affected readership.

With face-to-face interviewing suspended from March 17, PAMCo has used the same print audience estimates as it did for Q1 (covering April 19 to March 20), fused with the latest Comscore data for June 2020.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Nearly all newsbrands grew their reach year-on-year

Despite the majority of titles seeing their monthly total brand reach (print and digital reach combined) tumble period-on-period, almost all were up over the year.

Only The Telegraph and the i saw their reach decline year-on-year, by -2.8% and -25.2%, respectively.

2. Daily national news readership via digital platforms has increased by 20% year-on-year

The number of digital news readers has therefore grown to 22 million – which is an extra 3.7 million people reading national newsbrands online every day.

3. Combined print and digital daily national news readership is now 28 million

According to the national newsbrand marketing body Newsworks, this translates to 43 million readers a week and 46 million a month.

Combined with the UK’s key regional titles, these numbers increase to 49 million monthly, 47 million weekly and 38 million daily.

4. The best performing national title over the period was the Daily Star.

The newsbrand saw its total brand reach rise 7.2% over the period (and 47% over the year) to 12.9 million, driven by growth in reach via phone and tablet.

5. The best performing national title over the year was The Times

The newsbrand grew its total brand reach by an enormous 73.5% year-on-year, despite falling -6.6% over the period. A 183.3% increase in phone reach over the year, as well as a 120.9% rise via tablet, more than offset a -8.9% decline in print.

Subscribers can find a full break down of the multi-platform figures for all reporting newsbrands in the tables below, or by logging in to Mediatel Connected.

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