
Global Advertising Forecasts From Zenith Offer Some Hope To Industry

Global Advertising Forecasts From Zenith Offer Some Hope To Industry

The Zenith Optimedia Group released its annual December forecasts yesterday and provided a glimmer of hope for the advertising industry by forecasting a small rise in advertising expenditure in 2002.

World Advertising Expenditure Summary ($ current prices) 
  2000  2001  % change  2002  % change  2003  % change  2004  % change 
North America 149,572 141,039 -6.05  139,166 -1.35  141,642 1.75  147,687 4.09 
of which: USA 144,389 135,726 -6.38  133,645 -1.56  135,845 1.62  141,627 4.08 
Canada 5,183 5,313 2.45  5,522 3.78  5,798 4.76  6,060 4.32 
Europe 77,572 75,971 -2.11  77,290 1.71  80,282 3.73  84,285 4.75 
Asia-Pacific 70,464 69,760 -1.01  71,188 2.01  74,234 4.10  78,034 4.87 
Latin America 21,172 20,775 -1.91  21,682 4.18  23,685 8.46  26,118 9.32 
Rest of world 8,720 8,824 1.18  9,433 6.46  10,346 8.82  11,428 9.47 
Total  327,500  316,369  -3.52  318,759  0.75  330,189  3.46  347,551  5.00 
Internet 7,690 8,516 9.70  9,741 12.58  11,257 13.47  12,945 13.04 
Total (including internet)  335,190  324,885  -3.17  328,500  1.10  341,446  3.79  360,496  5.28 
Source: Zenith Optimedia Group, December 2001
Although advertising totals for 2002 remain negative in constant prices revenue totals are much better than in 2001 and Zenith says that the “ingredients for advertising recovery [are] becoming visible”.
Year On Year % Change – Major Media (TV, Press, Radio, Cinema, Outdoor) 
  2001 v 2000  2002 v 2001  2003 v 2002  2004 v 2002 
  Current prices Constant prices Current prices Constant prices Current prices Constant prices Current prices Constant prices
North America -5.7 -8.4 -1.3 -3.3 1.8 -0.2 4.3 2.2
of which: USA -6 -8.7 -1.5 -3.5 1.6 -0.3 4.3 2.2
Canada 2.5 -0.3 3.9 2 5 2.8 5 2.8
Europe -2.1 -4.6 1.7 -0.2 3.9 1.8 5 2.8
Asia-Pacific -1 -1.6 2 1.6 4.3 3.4 5.1 3.2
Latin America -1.9 4.4 9.2 10.3
Rest of world 1.2 6.9 9.7 10.5
Major media total  -3.4  -5.8  0.8  -1.3  3.6  1.2  5.3  2.6 
Internet 10.8 14.4 15.6 15.6
Source: Zenith Optimedia Group, December 2001

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