
Global Broadband Subscribers To Hit 250 Million By 2007

Global Broadband Subscribers To Hit 250 Million By 2007

Almost 250 million people worldwide will subscribe to broadband internet access by 2007, says a new report from eMarketer.

In early 2004, high-speed broadband internet access reached a landmark when subscriber figures hit 100 million. When compared to 1996, when subscribers totalled 100,000, it is clear to see broadband has hit the mainstream, says the Broadband Worldwide 2004: Subscriber Update report.

It is expected that broadband’s popularity and strong growth will continue through until the end of 2010 and with consumers using it to watch videos, play music and shop online.

eMarketer goes so far as to predict that future anthropologists will look back on the time between 2005 – 2010 and call it the ‘Broadband Age’. From 2010 onwards, an era of ‘Bandwidth On Demand’ is expected, when ‘bandwidth will flow like water from a tap’, according to eMarketer.

Europe Western Europe is at the forefront of transforming the worldwide internet sector. eMarketer predicts that 52.5 million households (116 million users) in Western Europe will have broadband access by the end of 2007; this is up from 20 million homes (32 million users) in 2003.

Currently Germany has the largest broadband market in Europe, but the report predicts that the UK will take the top spot by 2007, despite Germany having the population advantage. The UK is currently the fastest growing broadband market in Europe and also has the greatest choice thanks to cable companies competing strongly with DSL. It is predicted that Italy, Spain, Norway and France will also grow relatively quickly over the next few years.

In comparison, when eMarketer analysed the number of subscribers per 100 inhabitants, Denmark came out on top with 25 people per 100. By 2007, the Western Europe average is expected to reach 14.9 users per 100 inhabitants, up from 5.8 in 2003.

By the end of 2003, Deutsche Telekom in Germany was the largest DSL provider in Europe with 4 million subscribers. In comparison, France Telecom had only 3 million and BT had fewer than 2 million.

Broadband Households (000s) In Selected Countries in Western Europe 2003-2007 
  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  CAGR 
Austria 542 702 852 1005 1163 21.0%
Belgium 1064 1290 1489 1677 1857 14.9%
Denmark 630 827 984 1128 1249 18.7%
Finland 343 452 561 668 740 21.2%
France 2922 4151 5508 6845 7993 28.6%
Germany 3899 5271 6639 7930 9175 23.9%
Italy 1890 2948 4040 5204 6431 35.8%
Netherlands 1420 1981 2431 2893 3293 23.4%
Norway 301 435 554 699 853 29.7%
Portugal 437 633 822 1003 1169 27.9%
Spain 1750 2617 3459 4270 5163 31.1%
Sweden 881 1133 1376 1548 1771 19.1%
Switzerland 742 969 1178 1336 1480 18.8%
UK 3203 5290 7037 8766 10151 33.4%
Total  20,024  28,699  36,930  44,972  52,488  27.2% 

United Kingdom After lagging behind the rest of Europe in 2001 and 2002, the UK has finally caught up and is now one of the fastest growing broadband markets in the world.

BT now provides most of Britain with access to DSL and cable internet access has been helped along with some competition from cable operators NTL and Telewest.

The UK Government has made the widespread availability of broadband a priority and has taken a leaf out of leading broadband countries such as South Korea and Canada to ensure that the right pieces are being put in place, according to the report.

eMarketer believes that the UK will grow to become the largest broadband market in Europe by 2007, with 7.2 million DSL and 3.9 million cable internet households.

UK Broadband Households (000s) By Access Technology 2003-2007 
  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  CAGR 
DSL 2088 3780 5080 6280 7294 36.7%
Cable 1412 2056 2689 3387 3891 28.8%
Other* 16 21 30 41 60 39.2%
Total  3,516  5,857  7,799  9,708  11,245  33.7% 

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