
Global Online Population Growth Flattens

Global Online Population Growth Flattens

Growth of the worldwide internet population has begun to plateau according to the latest data from Nielsen//NetRatings.

The second quarter 2002 edition of the Global Internet Trends survey found that there are now 553 million people worldwide with internet access. This is up just 4.0% on the first quarter of the year when the population was 531 million.
Internet Users With PC Access 
  Number (million)  % of world internet population 
US 166.4 30.1
Europe 133.2 24.1
Asia & Pacific 77.5 14.0
Latin America 14.0 2.5
Rest of the world 161.9 29.3
Total  553.0  100.0 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, August 2002 

The US continues to lead the world’s web adoption, although it is Hong Kong that has the highest proportion of high-speed users, where 66% are connected to the web via a broadband service.

Germany and Sweden rank next in terms of high-speed usage, whilst the UK is way down the list with 86% of households still connected to the Net via a 56k or less modem.

“The internet has yet to hit on the must-have content that would inspire greater numbers of surfers to seek high speed connections,” says Lisa Strand, director and chief analyst, Nielsen//NetRatings.

Highest Connection Speed On Home PC (% Of Homes) 
  High speed telephone line (ISDN, DSL etc.)  Cable modem  56k or less modem 
Hong Kong 54 12 34
Germany 39 6 55
Sweden 33 10 57
Netherlands 20 21 58
Spain 18 7 75
Italy 18 2 79
France 17 5 77
Brazil 15 7 79
UK 9 5 86
US 5 12 83
Australia 5 5 90
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, August 2002 

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