
Golden Wonder And Text Marketer Team Up To Offer SMS Competition

Golden Wonder And Text Marketer Team Up To Offer SMS Competition

Golden Wonder is teaming up with the leading provider of SMS marketing services, Text Marketer, to launch one of the biggest ever prizes via an on pack SMS competition, offering Golden Wonder customers the chance to win one of 25 Beetle convertibles.

The competition called “Crack the Keycode” will see consumers play to win one of the cars by ‘cracking’ the eight-digit safety code, of which there are 25 winning sequences. Players are allowed one attempt per day and every entry will go into the price draw.

Commenting on the competition partnership, Henry Cazalet, sales director at Text Marketer said: “We wanted to give Golden Wonder something to shout about. Too many SMS promotions are over-complicated nowadays and a simple ‘unlock the safe’ mechanic will appeal to the consumer because of its inherent ease of play.”

Over 22 million of promotional packs will be on the shelf, putting Golden Wonder at the forefront of SMS promotions in the UK. Richard Hawley, creative director at Text Marketer said: “SMS promotions are simply the hottest marketing activity a brand can adopt. Golden Wonder’s promotion, while difficult to implement security wise, is a beautifully simple ‘Italian job’ style proposition to the consumer, crack the code and the car is yours!”

The running costs of the campaign are cheaper than rival SMS marketing campaign’s, with the ‘crack the code’ promotion generating a revenue stream, using reversed billed SMS, to help cover its costs. It also builds a consumer database, which is invaluable for future marketing activities.

Text marketer and Golden Wonder are expecting the response rate to the competition to be high, as customers are encouraged to play multiple times. Text Marketer is currently working on a next generation of ‘text to win’ platforms.

Last September saw Media super-regulator Ofcom reject complaints from almost 50 viewers who claimed that a controversial television commercial for Golden Wonder’s Nik Naks was offensive and unsuitable for children.

The 30-second spot, which parodied a scene from Alien, saw a giant Nik Nak burst from a man’s stomach accompanied by a voiceover encouraging viewers to ‘Eat the freak’. Ofcom received a total of 46 complaints, although only three reported that children had been upset by the commercial.

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