
Google Continues Negotiations To Buy YouTube

Google Continues Negotiations To Buy YouTube

Google is continuing negotiations to acquire video-sharing website YouTube, in a deal estimated to be worth $1.6 billion (£857 million).

The deal is expected to be concluded by the end of the week, with industry figures saying that the acquisition could see Google’s AdWords, its online ad program, incorporated into the YouTube site.

Meanwhile, according to Nielsen//NetRatings, during 2006 YouTube’s audience has grown 606%, whilst in the same period Google’s has grown 3% and Google Video’s has grown 54%.

In addition, Nielsen//NetRatings said that YouTube was visited by 16% of Britons online in August 2006, compared to 6% for Google Video.

UK Audience and Growth 
Brand / Channel  Unique Audience (000’s) Jan 06  Unique Audience (000’s) Aug 06  UA Growth Jan-Aug 06  Active Reach 
Google 18,768 19,355 3% 72%
YouTube 620 4,376 606% 16%
Google Video 1,054 1,620 54% 6%

Eg 19.4 million people visited Google in August 2006, a growth of 3% on January 2006 Source: Nielsen//NetRatings UK NetView, home and work data, including internet applications

Nielsen//NetRatings has also released analysis on the audience overlap between the brands, revealing that just over a fifth (21%) of Google’s current audience also visit YouTube, with 94% of YouTube’s current audience also visiting Google and over half (54%) of Google Video’s current audience using YouTube.

UK Audience Overlap – August 2006 
Brand / Channel  Google  YouTube  Google Video 
Google   21% 8%
YouTube 94%   20%
Google Video 100% 54%  

Eg 21% of Google’s visitors in August 2006 also visited YouTube Source: Nielsen//NetRatings UK NetView, home and work data, including internet applications

Nielsen//NetRatings added that in August 2006, 3.2% of Britons online (869,000 people) visited both YouTube and Google Video, whilst 19% (5.1 million) of Britons online visited either YouTube or Google Video, but not both.

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