
Guardian Unlimited Advertising Manager Joins UGC Website

Guardian Unlimited Advertising Manager Joins UGC Website

VideoJug Steven Filler, advertising and sponsorship manager at Guardian Unlimited, has joined user-generated content website VideoJug as head of commercial operations.

Filler will report to Dan Thompson, chief executive officer and Rupert Ashe, acting UK managing director.

VideoJug hosts ‘how to’ films on everything in life, both professionally made and uploaded by anyone with expertise to share (see New Website Offers New Advertising Opportunities).

The appointment comes as VideoJug continues to expand and develop its team following its launch last year, with the site releasing a statement claiming that it has achieved over 500,000 unique users per month, in just four months.

The expansion of the VideoJug team also includes the appointment of Christa Power as online partnership and content acquisition manager, responsible for developing relationships with major online brands, and Robert Reeve as viral marketing co-ordinator to oversee search engine optimisation.

Prior to joining VideoJug, Filler spent six years at Guardian Unlimited, most recently as advertising and sponsorship manager responsible for the site’s sales revenue.

Last year his team was awarded Digital Sales Team of the Year at both the AOP Awards and Campaign Media Awards. Under his stewardship, Guardian Unlimited’s advertising revenue has grown 70% year on year and sponsorship revenue has grown 80% year on year.

Dan Thompson, VideoJug CEO, said: “What Steven has achieved in his career to date has been outstanding and he will be a fantastic asset to the VideoJug team.

“VideoJug offers an array of new opportunities to advertisers that enable them to truly engage directly with key audiences in an entirely relevant environment to their brand. Steven’s proven track record and immense talent will help us to develop the commercial side of the business and build on the great foundations we have laid since launch.”

Filler said: “VideoJug is a hugely exciting concept and I’m thrilled to be a part of it. It’s such a unique way of sharing information and has potential to become one of the major Web 2.0 business success stories of the UK.

“I’m convinced of the power of what VideoJug can offer brands and am looking forward to contributing to the ongoing success of the business.”

VideoJug: www.videojug.com

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