
Havas Sees 2.5% Organic Revenue Growth In 2005

Havas Sees 2.5% Organic Revenue Growth In 2005

French advertising group, Havas, enjoyed organic growth of 1.8% in the last quarter of 2005, resulting in organic revenues of €1,461 million for 2005 and overall organic growth of 2.5% for the year.

France, the rest of continental Europe and Latin America performed very strongly during quarter four 2005, while the period proved more difficult for the UK, North America and Asia Pacific.

Havas operations in France enjoyed organic growth of 2.9% year on year in Q4 2005, while the UK suffered a drop of 4.9% in the same time period.

Europe, excluding France and the UK, produced outstanding organic growth of 20.8%, thanks to strong performances from Spain, Eastern Europe and Belgium.

North America and Asia Pacific both saw a dip in organic growth, declining by 5.1% and 17.2% year on year respectively.

Latin America, however, saw excellent results from Mexico, Argentina and Colombia, pushing organic growth up by 13.8% year on year.

Net new business for 2005 reached €1,055 million in estimated annual billings, down from €1,548 million for 2004. Havas attributes this downturn primarily to the loss of two of Havas’ top ten accounts, Intel and Volkswagen (in the USA).

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