
HDTVs Expanding Beyond Home Living Rooms

HDTVs Expanding Beyond Home Living Rooms

Although High Definition TVs (HDTVs) continue to be primarily purchased as replacements for the main home TV in the US, new research from The Diffusion Group (TDG) suggest that HDTV sets are increasingly finding their ways into other rooms of the home.

DGT says that among broadband households in particular, approximately 40% of HDTVs now reside in rooms other than the primarily family or living room.

Michael Greeson, founding partner and principal analyst with TDG, said: “HDTV can now be found in more than one-third of US households.

Given recent price declines and expanded awareness of the benefits of HD, we’re seeing more mainstream consumers purchase their first HDTV and more advanced households buy a second and, in some rare cases, even a third HDTV.”

Data collected in December 2006 finds that close to 40 million HDTVs can now be found in US broadband households, nearly two-thirds of which (61%) are located in the living/family room.

A recent report from Pacific Media Associates said that more than 3.2 million flat panel HDTVs would be sold to US consumers in the fourth quarter of 2006, more than twice the number sold in the fourth quarter of 2005 (see US HDTV Sales To Double Year On Year).

Meanwhile, Continental Research’s Autumn 2006 Digital TV Report showed that the percentage of UK households with HDTV equipment had increased from 2% in February to 6% in July, an installed base of just over 1 million (see HDTV Households Increase To Over 1 Million).

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