
Henley Buys HeadlightVision To Boost Offering

Henley Buys HeadlightVision To Boost Offering

TV Easy Research specialist, Henley Centre, has merged with well respected research and brand consultancy, HeadlightVision, to offer what the company claims is an unrivalled knowledge of global trends and insights.

HeadlightVision, which was founded nine years ago, is known for its creativity and irreverence, as well as for its deep qualitative research base. The combination of its work with that of Henley Centre, known for its quantitative analysis and futures work, promises to bolster the combined company’s reputation still further.

With core offices in London and New York, as well as a joint venture in India, the merged company is also well placed to provide global perspectives.

Henley Centre’s CEO, Sian Davies, will become the first chief executive of the new company. She said: “We are a great match, in that we build on each other’s strengths and compensate for each other’s weaknesses.”

Crawford Hollingworth, founder and CEO of HeadlightVision, will become the new group’s executive chairman. He added: “The merger is a huge opportunity to expand our base in the UK and globally. Together we have the skills and intellectual muscle to inspire better futures for our clients.”

Henley Centre states that the response to the consolidation from clients has been positive so far.

Henley Centre: 020 7955 1800 www.henleycentre.com

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