
Howe Steps Down As ids Managing Director

Howe Steps Down As ids Managing Director

Mark Howe Mark Howe, managing director of interactive digital sales (ids), the advertising sales house of Flextech Television, is to leave the company after almost 13 years to pursue new challenges.

In his role as managing director, Howe was instrumental in breaking new ground, both in advertising sales and creative initiatives.

Commenting on his departure, Lisa Opie, managing director of Flextech Television, said: “Mark has made a huge contribution to the success of ids, helping to make it one of the most successful advertising sales houses in the UK. I’d like to thank him for all his hard work.”

Howe added: “After nearly 13 years working for the company it’s time to move on. I am proud of the growth of the Flextech ad sales business which culminated in the creation of ids. I leave one of the strongest, most dynamic sales teams in the business in good hands. I shall watch ids closely and look forward to its continuing success.”

Howe’s departure will see James Wildman, executive sales director report directly to Opie for the foreseeable future, as Flextech does not plan any recruitment activity to fill Howe’s vacant position.

ids: 020 7693 8800 www.idigitalsales.co.uk

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