
Hutchison Brings 3G To The UK

Hutchison Brings 3G To The UK

Over 65,000 UK consumers have signed up for 3G mobile phones ahead of the network roll-out later this month. The mobile operator Hutchinson chose Monday (03/03/03) to officially present its service, the first of its kind on the UK mainland.

In layman’s terms, 3G offers the prospect of a wide range of wireless services including the internet, video calls and televised sports footage. Networks have been up and running in Japan for one and a half years and over 5 million people there are now using the technology.

However, aside from an experimental service on the Isle of Man, there has, as yet, been no 3G presence in the UK. It is widely acknowledged that operators overspent on the necessary licenses and uptake targets were too ambitious (see 3G Operators Face Long Wait For Profits). Reappraisals have led to delays and Hutchison, which does not run any other networks in the UK, is the first company to brave the market.

The first public mobile video call on the new service was made by Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt to Stephen Timms, the e-Commerce Minister. “Today marks the arrival of 3G services in the UK. As the leading western market, the UK will be the pathfinder for this new technology,” said Ms Hewitt in an interview with the BBC.

Initial take-up is likely to be limited as the handsets cost around £400 although Hutchison is offering a 50% discount to customers who order before the end of March. The phones themselves are not yet available but will be distributed to subscribers in the next few weeks.

Analysts are divided over the likely impact of 3G although Hutchison will be encouraged by a recent survey which showed that 42% of European mobile phone users were interested in the services being touted (see Study Reveals Burgeoning Interest In 3G).

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