
IDS Quits Thinkbox After Voting Rights Row

IDS Quits Thinkbox After Voting Rights Row

Thinkbox Interactive Digital Sales (IDS) has resigned from TV marketing body Thinkbox, despite being one of the organisation’s founding members.

IDS, Flextech television’s ad sales division, has quit following a disagreement over voting rights. The company was part of an original constitution based on a voting structure of one company – one vote, regardless of financial contribution.

However, it has since altered its structure as part of its move to become a stand-alone legal entity, with a full-time secretariat run by chief executive Tess Alps. Under the changes, it has introduced a weighted voting structure that gives the biggest contributors a greater share of voice. Its funding structure has also changed, but is still based on share of TV advertising revenue.

IDS has not taken the decision to quit the TV marketing body lightly, but felt that due to the restructure of the organisation and the fact that ITV was pushing to treble its vote, IDS could no longer play a part in Thinkbox.

Alps said: “Although I regret IDS’ decision, the other seven founding members have accepted the changes,” adding that the new funding structure would mean the body was better resourced.


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