
Independent on Sunday editor leaves in shake-up

Independent on Sunday editor leaves in shake-up


The Independent on Sunday editor John Mullin is to leave his post as the Independent moves to a seven day operation.

The restructure will see current Independent editor, Chris Blackhurst, expand his role to take over Mullin’s duties.

Newsline understands that the Independent on Sunday and Independent writers will merge into one newsroom, with the London Evening Standard joining them, editorially, as far as they can.

Owner of all of the titles, Alexander Lebedev, and his son, Evgeny, who runs the UK business, will see that the restructure will also incorporate London Live, the new London TV channel to be launched next year after a successful bid to broadcast in the capital was won last week.

“i”, the sister-paper to the Independent will not be affected by the seven-day move.

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