Infographic: Game of Phones

As the UK’s mobile and broadband markets witness an array of mergers and acquisitions, the battle for customers and the fight over pay-TV is redrawing the telecommunications map.
To help understand the bigger picture and bring the changes to life, Newsline and The Infographics Agency has published Game of Phones – a quick reference guide to market consolidation.
“Game of Phones is an epic struggle to win and retain customers, as well as owning or having favourable access to mobile and broadband network infrastructures,” says Graham Lovelace, director, Lovelace Consulting and co-founder of The Infographics Agency.
“Supremacy means success for service operators, as well as the success of UK plc – it also has a direct impact on us as consumers: the vast majority of us are now connected, and we’re increasingly reliant on mobile and broadband networks for our communications, shopping, and access to information and entertainment.”
Join Lovelace and a host of other media experts at this year’s Connected Consumer Conference on 10 June as they take an in-depth look at the business models of the major broadcast and broadband players.