
Internet Boosts US Adspend For 2005

Internet Boosts US Adspend For 2005

Jack Myers, in revising its 2005 US adspend forecast upwards in December, joined other key industry prognosticators in predicting a more positive outlook for the US advertising market in 2005; largely driven by an expected increase in online advertising expenditure.

Myers predicts that internet advertising will grow by 30%, with overall US advertising expenditure expected to increase by 4.8%, up from the Group’s previous conservative estimate of 2.2% (see Boost To Online 2005 Adspend Confirmed).

The media commentary group’s optimism for 2005 is echoed by analyst Merrill Lynch, who predicts a 4.9% increase in adspend, revised down from 5.2% (see Merrill Lynch Conservative In US Ad Forecasts).

Advertising agency, Universal McCann, is the most optimistic in forecasting a 6.4% growth rate for US adspend (see Universal McCann Predicts Positive Outlook For 2005).

Aegis-owned subsidiary group, Carat, is slightly less bullish, revising its 2005 predictions down from 4.8% to 4.5% (see UK Adspend Forecast To Rise By 4.2% In 2005). ZenithOptimedia however, has pushed its estimates up and is forecasting a 4.2% increase, up from a more conservative 3.0% (see Cost of Advertising To Rise Ahead Of Inflation).

The lowest of all the 2005 forecasts comes from global research agency, Interdeco. In its Ad Barometer report, it predicts only a 3.5% rise in US advertising expenditure (see Global Advertising Recovery Confirmed).

According to figures based on a consensus of the most recent forecasts compiled by MediaTel Insight, US adspend is predicted to increase by 4.3% in 2005. While this figure is lower than that expected for 2004, the outlook for the forthcoming year nevertheless remains solid.

  Growth (%) 
   2003  2004  2005 
Merrill Lynch (12/04) 3.8 6.7 4.9
Universal McCann (12/04) 3.6 7.4 6.4
ZenithOptimedia (12/04) 1.7 6.0 4.2
Jack Myers (12/04) 2.8 6.3 4.8
Interdeco/Ad Barometer (11/04) 3.1 6.5 3.5
Carat (01/05) _ 5.8 4.5
Average  3.1  6.5  4.7 
Source: As above/compiled by MediaTel INSIGHT 

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