
Internet Population: France

Internet Population: France

Internet penetration in France is continuing to grow steadily, according to the latest findings from Médiamétrie. The number of French Internet users over the age of 18 has increased by 45 percent in a year, to 7.56 million from 5.21 million. About 16.3 percent of French adults are now online, compared with last year’s figure of 11.6 percent. The percentage of women going online has also increased. Last year, only 38.7 percent of French Internet users were women but that figure has now increased to 40.5 percent.

Almost 35 percent of Internet users connect every day or nearly every day, up from 28.1 percent last year. A further 37.1 percent go online more than once a month while 28.2 percent only use the Internet once a month or less often. Over half of users (54.2 percent) go online at home, while 34.9 percent log on to the Internet at work and 34 percent use the Internet in another location All of the figures from Médiamétrie refer to Internet users who have gone online at least once in the past year.

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