
Internet User Numbers Decrease in April

Internet User Numbers Decrease in April

Active home internet users dropped by about 0.5% over April, according to a report by Nielsen//NetRatings, which follows on from the 2.2% increase recorded in March.

The decline was blamed on a drop of about 1.8 million home internet users in Germany, Australia, Brazil, Spain and the U.S.A.

Germany recorded a 2.5% drop between March and April, amounting to 841,310 people, while Switzerland saw an increase in internet users of 2.6%, or 97,936 people.

Country  March  April  Change (%)  One-Month Difference 
2006  2006 
Australia 10,296,745 10,222,090 -0.73 -74,655
Brazil 14,106,651 13,431,424 -4.79 -675,226
France 17,769,232 17,907,014 0.78 137,782
Germany 32,954,008 32,112,698 -2.55 -841,310
Italy 17,101,383 17,280,253 1.05 178,870
Japan 40,774,175 41,139,368 0.9 365,193
Spain 12,128,204 11,715,596 -3.4 -412,608
Switzerland 3,726,726 3,824,662 2.63 97,936
U.K. 24,028,103 24,200,841 0.72 172,738
U.S. 144,358,901 143,596,769 -0.53 -762,132
Total  317,244,127  315,430,716  -0.57  -1,813,411 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, 2006

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