
Internet User Numbers Drop From May To June

Internet User Numbers Drop From May To June

The number of active internet users dropped slightly from May to June following growth between April and May, according to Nielsen//NetRatings.

The decline, of about 750,000 users, was tracked by Nielsen//NetRatings across 10 countries. Decline was not universal though, with Brazil (1.14%); Italy (1.28%); Spain (1.13%); Switzerland (0.91%) and the U.S. (0.32%) all showing growth, while Australia (0.37%); France (2.08%); Germany (1.01%); Japan (1.65%) and the U.K. (1.20%) all showed a decline in the number of active internet users. Across all 10 countries included in the research, active web users fell by 0.24%.
Active Home Internet Users By Country, May and June 2006 
Country  May  June  Change (%)  One-Month Difference 
2006  2006 
Australia 10,585,433 10,546,747 -0.37 -38,686
Brazil 13,246,186 13,397,404 1.14 151,217
France 18,414,460 18,031,245 -2.08 -383,215
Germany 33,373,792 33,037,119 -1.01 -336,672
Italy 16,946,925 17,163,440 1.28 216,515
Japan 42,405,468 41,703,859 -1.65 -701,609
Spain 12,484,324 12,625,991 1.13 141,667
Switzerland 3,769,940 3,804,251 0.91 34,310
U.K. 24,235,940 23,944,744 -1.2 -291,195
U.S. 143,229,214 143,683,489 0.32 454,275
Total  318,691,682  317,938,289  -0.24  -753,393 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, 2006

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