


ABC Electronic Logo The digital marketing group of the IPA, IPA/DMG has announced its full support for the work of JICWEBS and ABC ELECTRONIC, in continuing to drive forward the development of industry agreed standards for the measurement of electronic media.

JICWEBS and ABC ELECTRONIC recently undertakook a review of the guidelines for ad serving, working closely with IAB Europe, 24/7 Real Media and Accipiter, aiming to continue to provide clarification to the industry on the measurement of adverts service by online properties.

The support signals a renewed call by the leading online media agencies for media owners to take advantage of the transparency and accountability industry standard metrics combined with independent auditing delivers.

According to IPA/DMG, more media buyers are differentiating between sites that provide audited figures against sites that only provide publisher’s statements to claim the volume of traffic they are generating.

This opinion is echoed by recent independent research conducted by Benchmark Research on behalf of ABC Electronic, which showed that verified usage figures for websites are widely recognised as an important factor in booking adspace (see ABCE Proves Value Of Online Audience Measurement).

94% of media buyers questioned by the research regarded verified ABCE figures as “critically or very important” in order to validate media owners’ claims, while 64% of buyers saw ABCE figures as “critically or very important” in justifying buying decisions.

Commenting on the importance of JICWEBS and ABC ELECTRONIC work, John Owen, chairman of the DMG and planning director at Dare Digital said: “The internet is now an integral part of the marketing mix, and its ability to demonstrate the size of its audience through the metrics developed by JICWEBS will play a key role in its future.”

Lynne Robinson, research director at the IPA added: “The internet and other electronic channels continue to benefit from the work of JICWEBS in driving forward industry standards, and its ongoing work has been instrumental in growing trust in online. As we move forward JICWEBS will continue to help ensure electronic media can deliver accountability to the market.”

IPA: 020 7235 7020 www.ipa.co.uk

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