
IPA To Roll Out Online Learning Modules

IPA To Roll Out Online Learning Modules

IPA Logo The IPA has launched the first of several online learning modules, focused on the National Readership Survey and designed to give the communication industry a better understanding of the currencies used to measure audiences.

The module has been produced in association the NRS, detailing what the survey is, how the readership figures are calculated, what other data is available from the survey and how it can be accessed and used.

Further modules are planned, covering currencies such as ABC, BARB and POSTAR. The IPA is also in discussion with the Media Research Group over the development of the modules as a wider learning platform, given the two organisations’ shared interest in promoting understanding of audience research.

The Online Learning suite was designed and built by MediaTel Group (development company for both the IPA and NRS websites), and will be available through the IPA, NRS, Newspaper Marketing Association, Periodical Publishers Association and MediaTel websites.

Commenting on the new initiative, Lynne Robinson, research director at the IPA, said: “There is a great deal of confusion about what the industry currencies are and what data they provide. We are producing these online modules to sit alongside the IPA’s Foundation Certificate to give all sectors of the industry a better understanding of the insight which industry trading currencies provide.”

Roger Pratt, managing director of NRS Ltd added: “The mix of communication channels now available to advertisers is increasing relentlessly in its complexity. The ability of agencies to correctly identify the best selection within this mix can only be improved by a fuller understanding of how each channel measures its audience, and how these measurement systems compare across channels.

“I am delighted that NRS is the first media trading currency to be involved in this IPA initiative, of which I wholly approve. The NRS is very happy to support the IPA in this constructive, educational initiative, and I hope full advantage will be taken of it.”

Derek Jones, managing director of MediaTel Group said: “We are delighted to be working alongside the IPA on the Online Learning project and are looking forward to expanding this initiative across the industry.”

Meanwhile, Roger Gane, chair of the MRG, added: “We welcome the publication of the guide to the NRS as the first module in the on-line learning system. We are looking forward to working with the IPA on future modules and helping to build this into a definitive guide to media research practise.”

IPA: 020 7235 7020 www.ipa.co.uk MediaTel Group: 0207 439 7575 www.mediatelgroup.co.uk

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