
IPC Increases TV Mag Cover Prices

IPC Increases TV Mag Cover Prices

Watching TV IPC TX has announced that it is once again increasing the cover prices of its value sector titles What’s on TV and TV easy, generating more than £1 million in extra retail sales value.

Starting from the issues on sale on April 10, What’s on TV‘s cover price will increase by 1p to 43p and TV easy will increase by 2p to 42p.

Publishing director Charlie Meredith said: “The price increases on What’s on TV and TV easy are yet another sign of TX’s determination to drive RSV in the TV weeklies market.

“Once again we are leading the way in the value sector, with this move delivering more than £1 million in additional RSV, which builds on the £1.85 million extra to be generated from their cover price increases in September last year.”

At the last ABCs, What’s On TV retained the top spot in the TV listings sector, although it suffered a 4.3% year on year drop in circulation (see ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Soap Mags Boost Circulation Whilst What’s On TV Retains Top TV Spot).

TV easy, meanwhile, was up by just over 3% year on year, giving it a total circulation figure of more than 293,000.

IPC Media: 0870 4445000 www.ipcmedia.com

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