
ISBA Does It By The Book

ISBA Does It By The Book

Isbalogo Rookie TV-commercial producers now have an up-to-the-minute bible to see them through the minefield of ad-making, from budgeting and briefing to payments and post-production.

Trade associations ISBA (representing advertisers), the IPA (representing agencies) and APA (representing commercial producers) have just released their updated version of Producing Advertising Commercials (PAC), the jointly-published guide that details best-practice in the TV ad-production industry.

In the new handbook, comprehensive lists, specimen legal forms, time planners and budget charts make sure no element is forgotten in the complex process.

Last produced 10 years ago, the guide was in need of an overhaul as technology and practice have changed hugely over the past decade. ‘Increased availability of digital facilities and techniques is melting the boundaries between different media whilst it is several years since the industry withdrew from the collective agreement governing payments to talent,’ Bob Wootton, ISBA’s director of media and advertising, stresses in the guide.

Wootton adds: “This version draws on the latest industry experience to update and expand advice in a range of new areas. It should be invaluable to anyone wanting to learn about the procedures for commercials production – whether coming from a client, agency or film production company background.”

The guide, which runs to 93 pages, can be downloaded from any of the three trade associations’ websites.

ISBA: 020 7499 7502 www.isba.org.uk

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