
ITV Ad Revenue Monthly Forecasts From Merrill Lynch

ITV Ad Revenue Monthly Forecasts From Merrill Lynch

ITV’s ad revenue growth in 2003 is expected to be just 0.5% in a market up by 3.3%, according to Merrill Lynch forecasts. The discrepancy between the two figures is a result of ITV’s loss of market share during year-end negotiations, due to falling viewing figures over the last year (see ITV Shows Autumn Pick-Up In Viewing And Revenue).

Whilst viewing has picked up during August and is now showing a flat comparison with 2001 (with further short-term improvements on the cards), the broader decline has begun to eat into ITV’s advertising pounds.

The longer-term forecasts here show a gently positive start to 2003, followed by a dip into decline once more difficult comparables kick in. FY2003 is expected to show just 0.5% growth; 2002 is forecast to be down 1.1%, whilst 2004 is set for 3.9% growth.

ITV Advertising Revenue Growth Forecasts 
  January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December  Total 
2001 -9.5 -5.8 -8.3 -18.8 -20.2 -24.1 -14.7 -7.1 -18.0 -12.1 -12.9 -3.1 -13.3
2002 -16.0 -16.8 -7.1 -11.6 9.4 10.7 3.9 7.0 3.0 10.0 1.8 -4.5 -1.1
2003 7.0 6.0 1.3 4.0 -5.0 -8.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
2004                         3.9
Source: Merrill Lynch, October 2002 

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