
ITV Extends Interactive Options With Text Codes

ITV Extends Interactive Options With Text Codes

Text Message ITV has added mobile interactivity to its portfolio of advertiser offerings in an effort to encourage increased use of interactive technology within its ad breaks.

For the first time advertisers using ITV’s network of channels will be offered a choice of interactive methods, including red button technology and mobile phone text feedback.

Broadcast sponsorships can now be run including the red button or mobile interactivity, building on ITV’s partnership with Mobile Interactive Group. The technology enables viewers to text keywords to ITV’s own ‘short-code’. Viewers are then sent ‘bounce-back’ messages from the advertiser.

The short-codes appear within break bumpers, and although governed by existing sponsorship guidelines, a direct dialogue can be established with the viewer – something ITV claims has been impossible in the past.

Commenting on the interactive extensions, Peter Manten, commercial manager at ITV Interactive Sales, said: “We can now move interactivity to front of mind with our advertisers by not asking if our customers would like interactivity at all, but instead asking them which kind works best for them. This is a major step forward for interactivity surrounding ITV’s programming and we view this as a significant step forward in terms of the evolution of interactivity into mainstream media.”

The new interactive choices are now a standard offering by ITV to all future sponsors, with existing sponsors. Peter Birch, head of interactive sales at ITV explained: “We have already seen significant take up of this offering from our advertisers within a short space of time. Interactivity delivers our advertisers with added value and makes existing sponsorships work even harder, and extend ITV’s Beyond the Spot portfolio.”

The short-codes offer advertisers easy measurement of effectiveness, and can be extended across all media simply by changing the key-word to reflect which media has instigated the response. The text system works across all mobile networks, with ITV’s packages including 10,000 free responses as well as a production, design, reporting and management service.

ITV: 020 7843 8000 www.itv.com

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