
ITV Plots Cross Platform Interactive Ads

ITV Plots Cross Platform Interactive Ads

Remote Control ITV is preparing to challenge BSkyB’s dominance of the interactive advertising sector with a cross platform offering in partnership with Emuse.

According to reports this morning, the company will offer advertisers simultaneous campaigns across digital satellite, terrestrial, internet and mobile platforms.

Speaking to NMA magazine, Gary Digby, MD of ITV Sales, said: “Interactive campaigns are an increasingly important way of ensuring our advertisers hit their target audience.

“With more than 30 interactive campaigns running a month, they have become a core part of the wide range of solutions we can offer to advertisers.”

The interactive offering will create a one stop shop for advertisers, although the rumoured resurrection of ZipTV by a consortium of broadcasters, including Channel 4, Five and Flextech, could scupper ITV’s plans for wide-reaching interactive airspace.

ITV: 020 7843 8000 www.itv.com

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