
ITV Restructures Digital Team

ITV Restructures Digital Team

ITV 2006 ITV has announced that it is restructuring its digital channel team, with Steven Andrew being appointed as programme director of ITV digital channels.

The newly created role will see Andrew oversee all programming output over the broadcaster’s digital offerings, reporting to Jonathan Lewis, director of digital channels.

The restructure will also see Zai Bennett, currently editor of ITV2, promoted to controller of ITV2, while Steve Arnell is promoted from editor to controller of ITV4.

Commenting on the changes, Lewis said: “I am absolutely delighted that Steven has decided to take on this role. His skill in commissioning and his broad creative experience will help to further distance ITV multichannel from its competitors.”

Andrew added: “Up to now ITV’s digital strategy has been focussed on launching and establishing new channels. Now that those channels are up and running the challenge is to build on their already considerable success and grow them further through new commissions and acquisitions. I am very excited about working with Jonathan and the team and look forward to making the ITV channels even stronger.”

ITV’s family of digital channels includes ITV2, ITV3 and ITV4, as well as the new CiTV channel, which is due to launch next month (see One Month Delay For ITV Kids Channel).

ITV recently announced that trials for its new digital system to deliver advertisements will begin in March, with the new network expected to offer major improvements for time sensitive and multi copy campaigns (see ITV To Launch Trials For Digital Adverts).

ITV signed an agreement with IMD to use its digital advertising delivery service in the broadcaster’s London and Leeds transmission centres last August, with the total cost of the development and preparation estimated at around £700,000 (see NewsLine).

ITV: 020 7843 8000 www.itv.com

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