
JCDecaux Announces Record Results For First Half 2006

JCDecaux Announces Record Results For First Half 2006

JCDecaux has announced record results for the first six months of 2006, which it says reflect a strong operating performance.

Consolidated revenues of €945.8 million increased by 13.4% in the first half of the year, with organic revenues, excluding acquisitions and the impact of foreign exchange, increasing by 7.6%.

The outdoor specialist’s operating margins increased by 15.7% to €265 million from €229.1 million in the first half of 2005.

Jean-Charles Decaux, chairman of the executive board and Co-CEO, said: “We are very pleased to report record results for the first half of 2006, reflecting the quality of our teams throughout the world who have driven a strong operating performance across our three divisions. Good organic revenue growth coupled with the contribution from acquisitions made in 2005 translated into a double-digit rise in earnings.

“In the last few months, as part of our strategy of expanding into emerging markets, we have successfully expanded our footprint in China, India, Ukraine, Russia, and Uzbekistan, building clear platforms for future growth. In just three years, the share of revenues from emerging countries out of the group total revenues has more than doubled to reach 15%.

“The strong revenue increase from transport advertising, the overall improvement in the French advertising market compared to 2005, as well as the good progress of our North American and Asia-Pacific operations, should continue fuelling our organic revenue growth, which we still expect to exceed 6% for 2006 – comfortably ahead of forecasts for growth in the worldwide advertising market.”

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