
Jupiter MMXI Launches Weekly Internet Data Release

Jupiter MMXI Launches Weekly Internet Data Release

Jupiter MMXI, suppliers of at home internet audience data for the UK since 1999, has announced that data will now be released from now on on a weekly, rather than monthly, basis. As calls for industry wide agreement on standards for internet audience measurement gather strength, the move will make it easier for advertisers to track campaign reach, while companies will be able carry out week by week analysis of their sites’ performances and the behaviour of consumers.

Mari Kim Coleman, vice president of international measurement said: “Over the coming weeks we will be able to reveal site profile and performance trends that up until now we have been unable to view with the monthly report.”

The latest data, for the week ending 10 June, showed that almost 10m people accessed the internet from home during the seven day period. They spent an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes online, and surfed on an average of 3 days during the week.

The most popular sites in terms of time spent by each unique visitor continue to be the ISP, portal, and services sites, such as the MSN, AOL and Yahoo messenger sites. However, two retail sites made it into the top ten for the week: Amazon.co.uk which was the fourth most popular destination and the online service of supermarket Tesco, which was the ninth. BBC.co.uk continues strongly, gaining 5th place during the week.

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