
Longer Cinema Ads Are ‘More Effective’

Longer Cinema Ads Are ‘More Effective’

Audience New research from Pearl & Dean suggests that longer cinema ads are more effective and increase engagement.

In the cinema advertiser’s latest Movietalk study, conducted by WORK research, respondents consistently said that they preferred extended 60 second cinema ads to 30 second ones.

As part of the study looking at long-form advertising in cinema, two online focus groups were played three 30-second cinema commercials and three 60 second ads.

When asked to rate their ‘involvement’ with the ads on a scale from 1 to 10, the 60 second ads scored considerably better than the 30 second ads. The average involvement score for a 30 second commercial was 4.5, but this increased to 7.6 for the 60 second ads.

Jackie McCarry, head of research at Pearl & Dean, said: “When you consider that one of the main concerns of advertisers today is a lack of concentration and willingness to engage from the consumer, these findings are excellent for cinema. They demonstrate the true impact of longer cinema commercials by showing that they increase engagement.”

The study also identified four key components of a successful cinema ad: those that make good use of visuals, sound, length and ‘pizzazz’.

Comments from respondents demonstrated their appreciation of cinema ads that make use of the big screen with impressive graphics, panoramic landscapes or unusual visual displays. They also appreciate ads that take advantage of the surround-sound experience in cinemas by using a popular song or soundtrack.

The excitement of a cinema visit also creates high expectations of being engaged and entertained, and comments showed that this includes the advertising before the film too. One respondent said: “Cinema ads should be special and different – a touch different to the TV versions ideally.”

The final component of a great cinema ad is its length. Respondents agreed that longer ads are more engaging and create a better sense of story.

Importantly, they also increased talkability value and had a more positive effect on perceptions of brand image than the shorter commercials shown. When respondents were asked to choose their preferred ad length (30 or 60 second) if they were placing an ad at the cinema, there was a unanimous preference for the longer ads.

McCarry added: “The study proves that people react to great cinema ads in the same way they react to great films, and that they have the same expectations for both.

“If a brand delivers something dramatic, different, lively and innovative in its cinema advertising, the response from the audience can be just as dramatic.”

Pearl & Dean: www.pearlanddean.com

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