
Magic Promotion Keeps Listeners Glued For 108 Days

Magic Promotion Keeps Listeners Glued For 108 Days

Magic's Mystery Voices Winner Emap’s Magic 105.4 has seen its seemingly unsolvable Mystery Voices quiz solved after 108 days, culminating in the largest cash prize of the last decade, as Bromley Council worker Barbara Way scooped the £81,200 prize to end the station’s marathon promotion.

Barbara, aged 51, from Petts Wood, Orpington, finally cracked the Magic Mystery Voice quiz which has been baffling millions of Londoners for a huge 108 days, correctly identifying the station’s mystery voices as Lisa Tarbuck, Mariah Carey and John Travolta.

The competition’s prize is the largest radio cash giveaway in the last decade. Andria Vidler, managing director of Magic 105.4, said: “Mystery Voices has kept listeners glued to their radios for a massive 108 days. We’re delighted that Barbara has won.”

The competition started at 7am on April 4th with a prize fund of £100, increasing by £100 every hour each time a listener phoned in with an incorrect guess. The first two celebrities, John Travolta and Mariah Carey, were identified within the first two weeks, but Lisa Tarbuck proved to be difficult to recognise.

Explaining her winning strategy, Barbara said: “Everyone has been hooked. We’ve all been talking about it at work, but none of us could work out who the third celebrity was. It was when I was watching Airport on the television, which is narrated by Lisa Tarbuck, it suddenly dawned on me that it was her.”

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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