
Maiden Secures Network Rail’s Roadside Contract

Maiden Secures Network Rail’s Roadside Contract

Billboard Maiden Outdoor has won the ten-year contract to handle Network Rail’s roadside advertising locations, a deal expected to generate around £350 million in advertising revenues.

The contract, which runs from August, will cover 48 and 96-sheet sites in more than 3,000 locations. The contract represents nearly 10% of Britain’s UK roadside market.

Welcoming the win, Maiden’s chief executive, Ron Zeghibe, said: “While we had received preferred bidder status, signing the agreement confirms the latest win by Maiden in the roadside sector, where we have considerable experience. We now have concessions with Network Rail worth some £800m in advertising revenues over their 10 year duration.”

John Pike, Network Rail’s head of commercial property, said: “This deal secures an important revenue stream for Network Rail. Working closely with Maiden we can ensure that we make the most of our property portfolio and direct the funds into rebuilding Britain’s railways.”

Maiden has pledged to use innovative new solutions in its handling of the Network Rail contract, although the company declined to comment on exactly which new technologies or strategies would be employed.

Maiden recently announced an overall increase of 4% in revenues in April and a 5% rise for the first four months of 2005, compared to last year, despite challenging market conditions in the second quarter (see Maiden Enjoys 4% Rise In Revenues During April).

Maiden: 020 7838 4000 www.maiden.co.uk

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