
Martin Ashplant re-joins Metro for director role

Martin Ashplant re-joins Metro for director role

Metro has announced the appointment of Martin Ashplant to the newly-created role of digital director.

Ashplant, who joins Metro from City A.M., will focus on delivering the newspaper’s digital content strategy, including overseeing the tablet and phone editions and increasing the reach of Metro content via digital distribution platforms.

At City A.M. Ashplant currently leads the digital commercial strategy, during which he has overseen the trebling of its monthly online audience.

Prior to this, he spent six and a half years at Metro whereby under his tenure metro.co.uk became the fastest growing national newspaper website.

“I am looking forward to returning to Metro in 2016 after a hugely rewarding time at City A.M., where I’ll be leaving behind an exceptionally talented team,” Ashplant said.

“There’s a fantastic opportunity at Metro to build on the success of the award-winning tablet edition and do something special in the mobile app space and I’m excited to get started.”

Phil Offord, finance and operations director at Metro said: “We are delighted that Metro is to welcome Martin to our team once again.

“His appointment underlines our commitment to ensuring that Metro’s content reaches our growing audience however and wherever they want it.”

Ashplant will take on his new role in January 2016.

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