
Media Industry Ponders Ad Survey Results

Media Industry Ponders Ad Survey Results

There is often a clear distinction between what media planners perceive to be effective forms of advertising and what consumers say they actually consume, according to a report out this week.

A survey carried out by InsightExpress for Mediapost found that planners and buyers have particular faith in network TV and magazines. More than half of those questioned said that they believe consumers pay attention to advertising through these media.

The reality may be somewhat different. Just under 50% of consumers admitted that network TV has an effect on purchasing decisions but there is little difference in attitudes towards cable television, despite what media executives may think.

The biggest difference in opinion is over print advertising. The industry believes magazines to be the second most effective medium but less than a third of US consumers say they acknowledge published ads. They do however react better to radio than was widely believed with 37% claiming to listen carefully to the ads.

Online fares less well with just 24% of consumers saying that they pay attention to banner ads, text links etc. An even smaller proportion confess to noticing outdoor advertising but this fact is evidently recognised by planners and buyers.

Media in Which US Consumers Pay Attention To Advertising, According to Consumers & Media Planners 
   Consumer Response  Industry Response 
Network TV 49.5% 58.8%
Cable TV 49.3% 42.9%
Magazine 32.9% 53.9%
Newspaper 35.7% 30.8%
Online 24.2% 28.2%
Radio 36.5% 23.1%
Outdoor 12.8% 17.0%
Other 4.4% 2.0%
Source: MediaPost/InsightExpress, December 2003 

The study also found that across all media, more planners than consumers think that advertising has a strong impact on purchase decisions. There is a particular disparity between opinions on the effectiveness of network TV, magazine, newspaper and online advertising.

The survey did not analyse the impact of inserts, which are, according to Vertis, the tool most likely to influence a consumer’s buying decisions (see Inserts Top Advertising Effectiveness Poll).

Media that Has the Greatest Impact on US Consumers’ Purchase Decisions, According to Consumers & Media Planners 
   Consumer Response  Industry Response 
Network TV 40.7% 60.2%
Cable TV 38.3% 45.5%
Magazine 31.5% 55.9%
Newspaper 29.5% 46.4%
Online 17.4% 40.1%
Radio 23.8% 25.4%
Outdoor 5.4% 6.3%
Other 5.4% 6.3%
None 15.0% 1.7%
Source: MediaPost/InsightExpress, December 2003 

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