
Media Playground 2010 hosts ‘The Big Digital Debate’

Media Playground 2010 hosts ‘The Big Digital Debate’

Media Playground 2010

A special extra session, The Big Digital Debate, has been added to this June’s Media Playground event, and asks if digital opportunities are changing the media and marketing world for the better.

Now in its third year, Media Playground is a full day event giving delegates the opportunity to see the latest technologies at close hand and interact with panels of experts debating how these innovations will impact the advertising market.

Book a day ticket for Media Playground on Thursday 3 June and you will also be registered for The Big Digital Debate at 10.45am.

Chaired by BBC media correspondent Torin Douglas, the panel features:

  • Mark Cross, communications planning director, COI
  • Mike Moran, UK managing director, CBS Outdoor
  • Andrew Walmsley, investor, non-exec, columnist and founder of i-level

Topics up for discussion in the session include: Has the digital world changed the relationship between advertiser, agency and media owner; has digital been good for the financial health of the media industry; brands should stay away from social media – and so should agencies;  will mobile become a medium or just a directional tool; and did the (surprisingly non-digital) election just prove that TV, newspapers and outdoor remain the most impactful and influential media vehicles?

The day’s four other seminars cover Mobile Advertising, Targeting Technology, Social Media & Gaming and Broadcast in a multi-platform world.

A day pass to the conference costs just £130. Individual seminar tickets can also be booked for just £65.

More information can be found at www.media-playground.co.uk.

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