
Mediacom Scoops Media Agency Of The Year

Mediacom Scoops Media Agency Of The Year

PPA Mediacom has scooped Media Agency of the Year for the second time in a row at this year’s PPA Marketing’s Consumer magazine advertising awards, beating M2M, Mediaedge:cia and ZenithOptimedia.

The judges agreed that MediaCom had continued to demonstrate great commitment to magazines and a strong involvement in the industry and to media owners.

The awards, now in their fifth year, prompted a record number of entries, especially in terms of agency submissions.

The Comsumer magazine advertisement of the year (creative) award saw victory for Karmarama for their Ikea Grand Designers against Ikea, which won after a unanimous decision the judges in recognition of a campaign that used magazines to deliver maximum impact.

The judges complimented the ‘beautifully copywritten’ ads that both ‘engage’ the consumer and are ‘perfect for the IKEA brand.’

Maltesers Telly Moments won the award for the Best Use of Magazines in a Mixed Media Campaign, with the judges believing it to be a truly integrated, mixed media approach which made innovative use of magazine advertising.

Magazine Campaign of the Year went to MFI for their challenging thinking and confidence to do something different, with the campaign resulting in a massive 104% increase in IPC readers who claim to have visited a MFI store.

Dove was named Consumer Magazine Advertiser of the Year for fully exploiting the strengths of the magazine medium and developing a powerful campaign. Commenting on winning the award a Dove spokesperson said: “The debt we owe to magazines is clear, for allowing us to access their intimate relationship with readers and the wealth of knowledge held by their editorial. Dove is passionate about press.”

Other winners included O2 Business for Idea of the Year and Nestle Fruity Smarties for Sales Pitch of the Year, with both recognised for their innovative and use of the medium, showcasing the power of the relationship between the magazine and the consumer.

Phil Cutts, director of marketing and communications of PPA Marketing said: “Our awards have gained considerable momentum over the years and the number of entries and standards of the submissions continue to rise.”

Cutts added: “As a result, we are seeing more recognition of the benefits of consumer magazine advertising as a highly effective and engaging communication vehicle, which is great news for the industry.”

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