
MediaTel Group Promotes J-ET Boss

MediaTel Group Promotes J-ET Boss

Katie Grist MediaTel Group has promoted J-ET business manager Katie Grist, to the position of associate director.

Katie joined MediaTel Group in 1988 from Business Link, working initially with the company’s MediaTel.co.uk media intelligence product.

When the company won the contract to develop and manage J-ET, the UK radio industry’s electronic trading system, Katie took on a role as project manager before being promoted to become business manager, running the eleven strong J-ET team at MediaTel Group.

J-ET is now used by almost 1000 users across 21 media agencies and 19 sales points in London, Manchester and Leeds.

Katie will continue to lead the J-ET team as the service looks to expand into Scotland later this year.

MediaTel Group: 0207 439 7575 www.mediatelgroup.co.uk

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