
Mixed Outlook For US Advertising Market

Mixed Outlook For US Advertising Market

The US advertising economy continues to look mixed with results from two major media, outdoor and business to business media giving confusing signals to marketers.

Outdoor advertising expenditure in the US was shown to rise only 2.9% during the first quarter of 2005, a much slower rate than previously estimated by industry experts.

Business to business media continued to decline, despite jumping almost 6% in the first four months of 2005, as business marketers abandoned ad pages in the traditional business press in favour of new media or other marketing options, according to American Business Media.

This slowdown reflects an overall moderate performance by a variety of print and broadcast media companies.

Analyst, Merrill Lynch, forecasts newspaper adspend (print and online combined) to rise by 3.3% in 2005, revised down from 4%, based on uneven economy and an unlikely industry resurgence in the latter half of 2005 (see Merrill Revises Down US Newspaper Ad Predictions).

According to the latest data from TNS Media Intelligence local newspapers and network television led all categories of adspend during the first quarter of the year, making $5.9 billion and $5.8 billion respectively (see Nielsen Shows US Adspend Up By 2.4% In Q1 2005).

New figures released by Nielsen Monitor-Plus show US advertising expenditure to have risen by 2.4% year on year in the first quarter of 2005, with adspend increasing in almost all reported media, according to (see US Adspend Up By 4.4% In Q1 2005).

Spanish-language TV, cable TV and magazines all led the way in terms of adspend, with the network radio and national newspaper sectors essentially flat. Coupon and the top 100 spot TV markets both showed declines, with the latter down by 3.9% year on year.

Online adspend continues to soar, with forecasts released by Forrester Research predicting online adspend to reach $14.7 billion this year, a 23% increase on its 2004 estimates (see US Online Ad and Marketing Spend To Reach $14.7 Billion in 2005).

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