
Mobile Advertising Is Better Brand Builder Than TV Or Radio, Says Study

Mobile Advertising Is Better Brand Builder Than TV Or Radio, Says Study

Permission-based mobile advertising is, on average, 50% more effective at brand building than television and 130% more effective than radio, according to the results of new research commissioned by wireless communications company Enpocket.

The brand awareness figures, which are based on comparable data from ICM, Neilson and Millward Brown, were compiled from post-campaign interviews with over 5,000 mobile phone users by ICM. All of the users had given permission to receive third party marketing.

Commenting on the research, Jonathon Linner CEO of Enpocket, said: “Branding is a difficult concept to define and to measure. It concerns the change in an individual’s emotional relationship with, and perceptions of, a brand. For this reason marketers usually select very ‘rich’ media to build a brand – TV, radio and glossy print are all traditionally thought of as branding media.

“Basic SMS offers marketers 160 characters of single colour, single font text – the exact opposite of other branding media. However the results speak for themselves – SMS is proven to be an excellent means of communicating brand values.

“We conclude this is because it is such a personal and direct medium – the strength of an individual’s relationship with their mobile phone is unique. It is an uncluttered medium in which the marketerÂ’s message can be tightly targeted by time of day/week, location and demographics to optimise relevance,” says Linner.

Enpocket limits the frequency of SMS campaigns per individual to two per month, ‘orders of magnitude’ lower than the frequencies of TV and radio advertising, notes Linner.

Previous research from Enpocket found that mobile advertising is gaining acceptance amongst the public, ranking above direct mail and telesales (see SMS Marketing As Acceptable As TV Or Radio Advertising, Says Report).

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