
Mobile Marketing Enters The Mix

Mobile Marketing Enters The Mix

Marketers remain largely unconvinced about the viability of mobile strategies but the medium would appear to have greater potential in the future, judging from a survey carried out by Reveries.com.

The study, sponsored by mobile marketing firm Mynamics, was conducted among more than 400 US marketers. Only 5.5% regarded the viability of mobile phones as a marketing vehicle as excellent. Almost 41% said they thought the concept was good or very good.

SMS advertising is still in its infancy and many phone owners regard text marketing as intrusive and annoying. However, mobile usage continues to increase and there is a feeling that attitudes will change over time.

Nearly 64% of marketers believe that mobile marketing will be a good to excellent proposition in five years time, compared to 46% now. By the same token, only 21% of respondents reckon that it’s viability will be poor in 2009, down from 30% in the current climate.

US Marketers’ Opinions On The Viability Of Mobile Phones As A Marketing Vehicle 
   Now  In 5 Years 
Excellent 5.5% 22.3%
Very Good 18.2% 25.3%
Good 22.7% 16.3%
Fair 22.7% 13.0%
Poor 30.7% 20.8%
Don’t Know 0.2% 2.5%
Source: Reveries.com, January 2004 

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