
More brands, but down under

More brands, but down under

Mediatel’s Future of Brands conference – which ran in London for the second time earlier this month – launched in Sydney yesterday in association with Ebiquity, with over 100 leading brands in the room amongst 250 delegates, partners and guests.

The opening session featured Coca-Cola’s Head of Content, Adam Ross, and the room heard from the wonderfully colourful (in every sense – see below) Head of Media at L’Oreal, Lyndall Campher; the AANA boss John Broome; Alibaba’s Bruce Song; Unilever’s Anneliese Douglas; Kellogg’s Dan Bitti; IBM’s Mari Kauppinen; the ECDs of DDB and Mediacom, Tara Ford and Gemma Watson; and the media bosses of Havas and Carat ANZ.

Topics under discussion ranged from what your brand stands for to digital transformation of brands, customer experience, agency and brand relationships, the agency model(s) and creativity’s role in inspiring brand growth.

Bench, Quantcast and MediaNewsWorks were amongst the launch event supporters.

Full reports to follow next week.

Pictures available here.

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