
More Than Half Of UK Web Users Willing To Pay For Premium Content

More Than Half Of UK Web Users Willing To Pay For Premium Content

More than half of the UK’s internet users are willing to pay for premium content, possibly paving the way for the widespread introduction of paid -for events and information.

According to a new survey by technology consultancy iSTRAT, 52% of respondents said that would be willing to pay for good quality information; 80% of these would pay for music webcasts and 35% would shell out for sports webcasts.

Just under half (49%) of people would prefer to pay for web services via credit card; payment through a utility or phone bill was the second favourite method at 25%. Forty-four percent of people said they would be happy to spend between 10p and £1 for premium content, whilst a further 26% are willing to spend between £1 and £3.

The the younger generation were more prepared to pay for online content. Over half (54%) of those aged between 19-40 years stated they were willing to pay for content, compared to only 42% of 40-70 year olds.

The research was commissioned in order to gauge users’ willingness to buy web content and to find out what kind of content they are most interested in, ahead of the launch iSTRAT’s on mPPV (micro pay per view) managed service.

Paul Hague, managing director, iSTRAT, says: “The research clearly shows there is a need for good quality information on the internet and that the public is willing to pay for exclusive sports coverage or music webcasts. This is good news for the providers and gives them the opportunity to start charging visitors for good quality, exclusive content.”

Three hundred people were interviewed for the research, of which 96% used the internet on a daily or weekly basis. The age group of respondents was 19–70 years of age.

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