
Murdoch Rumoured To Be Interested In Kirch Takeover

Murdoch Rumoured To Be Interested In Kirch Takeover

Press reports this morning suggest that Rupert Murdoch is considering a takeover of Germany’s largest commercial TV broadcaster Kirch Gruppe. The FT reports that sources close to Murdoch claim he is keen on making the deal, exploiting the ‘put’ option in his contract with Kirch (see BSkyB To Hold Off Sale Of Kirch Stake, Say Reports) to bring about a deal. Kirch would struggle to raise the estimated $1.8 billion it would cost to buy Murdoch out. It is thought that some News Corp advisers would counsel against the deal considering the debts which Kirch has.

Liberty Media chairman John Malone has been in talks with Leo Kirch about buying out Murdoch’s 22% stake, he is also the largest investor in News Corp after Murdoch and both men now appear keen to get a foothold in the German market.

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